RNR Tire Express
Franchise Fee: $45,000
Royalty: 5%
Total Investment: $610,297 - $1,547,075
Can Be Home Based:
Founded: 1999
Franchised: 2003
VetFran Member: Yes
With over 150 locations, RNR Tire Express is a leading retailer and installer of safe, quality tires, custom wheels, and related services such as flat repair and alignments.
$2.67 million in sales and $615k in operating income yields a 23% net profit in the top twenty stores – a greater ROI than the average QSR.
Our unique lease-purchase model directly serves a vast consumer niche who may not have the credit or cash available to purchase tires.
More than 80% of RNR Tire Express franchisees are multi-unit owners, with little to no experience in the automotive industry.
Learn more about RNR Tire Express and our strong unit-level economics.